Thursday's model, oil on canvas, 5 May 1977, 55.5 x 60.5cm, collection of the Royal West of England Academy
Sally, oil on aluminium, 1992, 37.5 x 42cm
Monika Pickard, oil on canvas, 1978, 90 x 115cm
Barbara in a hat, oil on canvas, 1992, 45 x 56cm
Rachel slicing beans, oil on canvas, private collection
Portrait in black and white, 1956, oil on canvas, 50 x 70cm
Nick in cap, oil on canvas, 1992, private collection
Thelma in top hat, oil on canvas, 1950s, 40.5 x 40.5cm
Gaby, oil on canvas, 46 x 39cm, private collection
Kathy Dalwood, oil on canvas, Nov 1973, 94 x 114.5cm
Model in green sweatshirt, oil on board, 46 x 61cm
Polka dots, oil on aluminium, 39 x 46cm
Rachel in pink, oil on canvas, 1986
Peter Draper, oil on canvas, Aug 1969, collection of Becky Nuttall
Colonel A A E (Tony) Glenton MBE TD ADC (with royal portrait by David Poole 1975), oil on canvas, 76 x 106.5cm
The Laura Ashley blouse, oil on canvas, 1992
Nick in orange, oil on canvas, April 1974, 54 x 64cm
Model against the light, oil on board, 12 Mar 1984, 60.5 x 71cm
Rachel about to go out, 1983, 60.5 x 71cm
Model on green chaise longue, 122 x 91.5cm
Out of the window, oil on aluminium, May 1984, 59 x 74cm
Model with grey eyes, oil on canvas, 26 x 33cm
Rachel in blue dressing gown, oil on canvas, 47 x 62cm
Model with red top, oil on board, 22 x 37cm
Blue portrait (Rachel with elephant), oil on canvas, 1975, 95.5 x 106cm
Nick in polo neck, oil on canvas, 28 Feb 1971, private collection
White and orange hat, oil on aluminium, 30.5 x 41cm
Gaby with red carnations, oil on canvas, 96 x 115.5cm, private collection
Laya, oil on aluminium, 42 x 61cm
Model in chemise, oil on canvas
Fruit table (with Gaby), 96.5 x 126.5cm, private collection
Kate Banham, oil on canvas, 47 x 61cm
Gaby with masks, oil on canvas, 108 x 132.5cm
Laya in blue, 27 Oct 1981, oil on aluminium, 31 x 42cm
Gaby, blue necklace, oil on board, 59 x 74cm, private collection
Gaby in brown, oil on canvas, 1954, 60.5 x 71.5cm, private collection
Rachel and roses, oil on canvas, 89 x 115cm
Gaby with blue cheek, 1992, oil on canvas, private collection
Dixie and Giacometti, oil on board, 60 x 70cm
Gaby in white and red blouse, oil on canvas, 1980, 35 x 42cm, private collection
Red sweater, oil on aluminium, 1984, 46 x 61cm
Gaby and pink flowers, oil on canvas, 50.5 x 70cm
Cafe window, oil on canvas, 1992, 51 x 61cm
The red bandana, oil on canvas, 28 Oct 1989, 38.5 x 46cm
Greek key portrait, oil on canvas, 1956, 50 x 60cm
Model in red dress, oil on canvas, 63 x 98cm
Stylised woman, oil on board, 41 x 50.5cm
Woman with necklace, low relief with oils, 33 x 43cm
Reclining model, oil on canvas, Sept 1971, 61 x 91.5cm
Nick in green chair, 1973, oil on canvas, 61 x 75cm
Oval self portrait, oil on board, 49 x 40cm, private collection
Attribution uncertain. Circus performer, oil on canvas, 60x90cm
Gaby in satin top, oil on board, 30 x 39cm
Barbara, framed, oil on board 36 x 41cm
Fauve, oil on board, 28 x 41cm
Model against flock wallpaper, oil on board, 30 x 38cm
Nick’s breakfast, 1970s, oil on canvas, collection of Harold Hewitt
Model in black, oil on board, 51 x 61cm
Actor in front of a mirror, oil on canvas, 90 x 120cm, collection of Liz and Richard Brook
Liz in a funny hat, oil on canvas, 24 July 1983, collection of Madeline Brook
Rachel, oil on canvas, 75 x 100cm, 10 Feb 1974, collection of the Banham family
Model in pink, oil on rolled canvas, 43 x 56cm
Self-portrait - brown and grey, oil, unknown owner (from slide)
Rachel against stripes, 21 Feb 1971, oil on canvas, unknown owner (from slide)
Portrait of Margaret Lawrence, 1979, oil on canvas, 50 x 82cm, collection of Scotford Lawrence